Personality of the Week: Salami Muteeat

MediVoice: Hiiiiii!!! I have here with me my very own fam. I’m so excited. So, can we meet you?

POTW: Hi guys! My name is Salami Muteeat but some people call me MTee. I’m a former Editor-in-chief of Medivoice News and Literary Club and I’m super glad to be on this interview.

MediVoice: Yayyy!! I’m super glad to have you here, our very own erstwhile EIC. So, MTee, where do you hail from?

POTW: I’m a proud Indigene of Ijebu Imosan, Ogun state, Nigeria.

MediVoice: Oppor…omo ijebu. It’s a nice one. Do you hold any office in IFUMSA at the moment?

POTW: I’m currently the Constituency Leader for the Old part four class at the level of the IFUMSA SRB. I was the public lecture Team lead for the just concluded trailblazing IFUMSA health week, themed; Gender-based violence. I also serve actively in various capacities such as the Social Committee and the UNTAMED dinner planning committee.

MediVoice: Kpk!! Skkrrrrrr!! E choke!! Women in leadership places. I respect you, ma’am. Jack of all trades and still master of all because you really did a great job in all the places you served. Very commendable. So, how do you feel about winning the Presidential Impact Award?

POTW: As a passionate IFUMSITE, with years of service towards the progress of IFUMSA, this Presidential Impact Award means a lot to me. It’s proof of a job well done, and I’m glad that IFUMSA recognizes and encourages the efforts its members put into driving the Association forward.

MediVoice: The award was really worth giving and well deserved. And yes, IFUMSA did a great job in acknowledging and rewarding the efforts of its members. It will serve to encourage people to do much more. On a lighter note, what do you enjoy doing?

POTW: Binge-watching TV Series, going on adventures, reading, writing, etc.

MediVoice: Going on adventures wow!! Definitely not in Nigeria, I guess. Lol. And that reading just has to be novels and not academic related right? So, what outfit do you love to appear in?

POTW: To be very honest, anything that makes me feel comfortable, confident, and sexy.

Medivoice: Okuuuur!! It’s the confidence for me. Giving off an aura…the Awosika’s kinda aura, right? Lol. Who is your current celebrity crush?

POTW: Ummm I don’t think I have any but yeah, all my guys know that AG baby is my baby.

MediVoice: HA!! AG baby ke. Lol. Hope you are aware you are speaking to Simi. (laughs). Let the real Simi not hear you o. Just kidding though. As MTee, what’s your biggest pet peeve?

POTW: None

MediVoice: Okay, so what is your biggest fear?

POTW: Can’t think of any at the moment.

MediVoice: Wow. Or there aren’t fears at all. Lol. So, when is your birthday?

POTW: 14th of November.

MediVoice: Awon November babies, products of valentine. Lol. Next, what’s the best thing that has happened to you so far?

POTW: Omooo I don’t think I can pinpoint something in particular, but life has been generally very good to me and that in itself is one of the best things that has happened so far. Alhamdulilah.

Medivoice: Wow, life’s been good. That’s a whole lot to be grateful for actually. Any departmental crushes?

POTW: None.

MediVoice: Are you in a relationship? If no, are you open to one?

POTW: Naa, I’m not currently in any relationship (A ti lo, a ti de). Rich and fine men can DM me sha.️

MediVoice: (laughs). If you fall into that criteria, oya start shooting your shot ooo before the post is no longer vacant. Lol. Amongst the million universities and courses in the whole world, why did you pick OAU and why Medicine?

POTW: We all know how most of the responses to this question go. Well, mine was also one of those typical “the very brilliant student has to study medicine” scenario, but at least it had nothing to do with Ben Carson and the whole “gifted hands” rave.
Why OAU? Well, I pretty much grew up in OAU and picking it just felt natural.

MediVoice: Alas, another of my kind. Not the Ben Carson geng. Ben Carson is nowhere near my choice of medicine at all. And yes, that African mentality of if you are brilliant, it is medicine or nothing else. Lol. Anyways, it’s not something you regret you did. And wow. So, it’s been OAU all your life…wawu! What will be your choice of music anytime?

POTW: I like to think of myself as a lover of good music. So I listen to various types of music as long as it’s pleasing to my ears.

MediVoice: Oookay. As long as it suits you, it’s okay to listen to. Nice. What movie can you watch over and over without getting tired of?

POTW: I don’t think I have any in particular but I’ve enjoyed rewatching movies like One tree hill, Harry Potter, and any other movie series that has captivated me.

MediVoice: You must be a series lover. Cool. I enjoy series too when I don’t have books to think about. What country would you like to visit if you had the opportunity?

POTW: FRANCE!! it has to be France because somehow somehow I’m sure I was supposed to be born a French lady.

MediVoice: (Laughs). I think almost all Nigerian feel they should have been born somewhere else. Lol. France is a nice place. You must speak french as it is now. That’s cool. Are you into any business or side hustle? If yes, how do you strike a balance?

POTW: Yeah, I am a freelance writer. Well, it all boils down to having good time management and a fair understanding of what works for me.

MediVoice: Freelance, nice…making cool money at your convenience. Yeah, time management can never be left out when talking about balance. They must just be in the same sentence. Also, knowing what works for you is important. If you could spend a day with any celebrity who will it be?

POTW: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Medivoice: Guessed as much. Judging from your hobbies. Where do you see MTee in the next 10 years?

POTW: Oh wow. 10 years from now ehn, I see myself making significant strides in my career path, happy and with an amazing family to always go home to.

Medivoice: Awwwwwn that’s so cool. Would you love to stay in Nigeria or Japa?

POTW: Leemao. This Nigeria’s matter is no longer about what I’ll love to do and more of what I’ll NEED to do. So yeah, I’ll do whatever will give me peace of mind. Allahu allam (God knows best)

MediVoice: Lol. It’s more like a necessity now. It’s well with us oo. What would you like to change about College?

POTW: That has to be the Academic calendar. Medical students shouldn’t always have to spend seven to eight years in school because of a degree. We can learn a thing or two from the colleges in other universities that have a relatively stable calendar.

MediVoice: Woooo…you have oil in your head. Likkkkeeee. Why on earth do we have to spend seven or eight years? This system is really flawed. We need special intervention. Let’s not talk too much about it sef else…you’d just see more reasons to be pissed. Anyways, what is your favourite thing to spend money on without batting an eyelid?

POTW: Ummm has to be anything that makes me look or smell good.

MediVoice: Lol. Typical of ladies. Who is the one person that inspires you?

POTW: My parents.

MediVoice: Our parents most often deserve the accolades yeah. So, MTee, if College gives you a surprise 3-day break what will you do?

POTW: I’m sure I’ll binge watch different movie series on Netflix and just chillllllllll cos this college stress is out of here abeg. I might also go out and chill with my favourite people, who knows?

MediVoice: Likeeeee just has to be chilling oo…the stress is way too much. Who would you love to shout out to?

POTW: Every single IFUMSITE that is out there breaking boundaries, changing stereotypes, and making us proud. You guys are the real MVPs.

Once again, thanks for having me, MediVoice!

MediVoice: Awwwwn. We are so pleased to have you too. It was a nice interview. I enjoyed it. Thanks for honouring the request.

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