Medivoice: Hi Olowookere Joseph, it is a pleasure to have you here with us on this episode of Personality of the week. (Drum rolls). So, first things first, can IFUMSA meet you?
POTW: My name is Olowookere Joseph. I hail from Osun state. I love helping others to achieve their goals both academically and Non-academically and I love God🤗. Currently a Part 1 Medical student of OAU (An IFUMSAITE).
Medivoice: Awwwwn, college baby😂, not even college yet. Anyhoo, it is a pleasure to have you here with us Joseph. I’d love to know why you chose to be a medical doctor and not a baller😂😂😂and also why OAU and not some other university?
POTW: Right from JSS2, when someone came to talk to us about the story of Ben Carson, I was motivated and I remembered I and my colleagues then, telling ourselves we would become medical doctors like Ben Carson also😂😂. But that goes beyond mere wishing. I always wanted OAU Medicine cause my Big Brother (cousin) graduated from OAU medicine and it’s one of the best medical schools in Nigeria…
Medivoice: So you are among the Ben Carson-inspired doctors🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂That’s really nice. Your admission story seems to beckon on my ears, do you mind sharing a bit of it?
POTW: When I graduated from secondary school, the journey getting OAU Medicine wasn’t easy as I thought😩😩. In short, I lost OAU Medicine twice and got it at my third trial on merit by God’s grace with determination and a goal-getting spirit. I actually graduated from secondary school in 2018 (I was among the youngest then😂). After the 2019 Jamb, I was three marks below cut off. I was given Agric economics. So I had to resume OAU in 2020 as an AEC student. But I had to sacrifice a lot of school academics to focus more on my Jamb and post-utme. I lost 2020 admission (Batch A) due to a merging issue. I decided to use my Batch A experience to prepare for Batch B (2021 admission) by studying the right materials and I got Medicine on merit by God’s grace.
Medivoice: Wow..you are quite determined and focused, pursuing what you want. Really commendable. Now that you have gotten it, you must finish it o, after all the stress👌🏽😂😂. Looking into the future, let’s take a time jump, say 15 years. What speciality would you be exploring?
POTW: Actually, I decided not to choose any for now because I might later change it along the line. As I go further, I would know what I love most and desire a lot
Medivoice: Okay, well that’s a good choice because as you move on, interests might change et all. But I’m sure lurking somewhere in the corner of your heart is neurosurgery😂😂😂😂seeing you are team, Ben Carson. As a medical student, what is your perception of life?
POTW: In all thy doings, let God lead and do your best.
Medivoice: You definitely have a life centred on God. That’s really beautiful I must say.
Looking back to the two months you spent on campus before the strike, do you recall any awkward experience you had or anything you’d like to share with us?
POTW: I don’t think I have any awkward experience actually, apart from the fact that some of my colleagues during early resumption liked saying Batch A and Batch B student 😂, but I believe everyone has outgrown that and we are now one family 🤩. I actually loved my short stay as a medical student on campus. During our freshers’ orientation, we actually went mountaineering before we started the stress and struggle of Great Ife🤩.
Medivoice: Welcome to the trenches😅😅. ASUU strike came and cut short all the enjoyment 🥺🥺. So how have the compulsory holidays been for you, has it been Netflix and chill, hustle geng or something?
POTW: The ASUU strike hasn’t been helping issues actually. However, I have been reading different books (not academic books😂) and involved in a publication with a few of my colleagues known as JJMIT OAU POST UTME PUBLICATION which is a compiled Batch A and B post-utme questions and involved in some tutorials also.
Medivoice: Seems you like academics so much, but if academics never existed, what else would take your time, in other words, what are your hobbies?
POTW: I love music, specifically playing instruments, especially the keyboard.
Medivoice: Speaking of music, what kind of music appeals to your ears?
POTW: I love hymns and slow music.
Medivoice: Not bad, as long as they don’t make you fall asleep😅😅. What is the best book you have read and why is it your favourite?
POTW: Purpose-driven life by Rick Warren. It is my favourite because it exposes several ways on how to discover God’s purpose for one’s life and live in purpose.
Medivoice: Cool. So, Joseph, what meal are you so good at cooking, that even with your eyes closed you can prepare a good one?
POTW: Rice and indomie.
Medivoice: Indomitable generation😅😅. Are you a single pringle or you are off the streets?
POTW: Single Pringle and not searching.
Medivoice: As expected😅😅. All ye admirers, the boy said you should look away oo😅😅. Any college crush?
POTW: No, actually 😅😅
Medivoice: Hmmmmm…are you sure or uncle is shy?😅😅Don’t worry, you don’t have to mention a name, so be free😅😅.
POTW: I am not shy😂
Medivoice: Okay, I humbly rest my case. Shout-out time💥💥💥Who are those you’d love to throw a shout-out to?
POTW: A shout out to all members of Magna Medicos (especially my personal person 🤗) and to all IFUMSAITE at large❤️
Medivoice: On behalf of IFUMSA, I’m blushing.🤭🤭.
Thank you for such a beautiful time with you. It was good having you here.
Watch out for who would be the next POTW, it could be you. You can see more of such interviews in our personality of the week section. Before you go, don’t forget to like, comment and share this post.
Ben Carson single-handedly recruiting hundreds into the trenches 😂