
Interview with AbdulMuizz, the Magna Medicos Coach

The IFUMSA Football League (IFL) is a major highlight of the sports arm of the OAU Medical Students’ Association. And for two seasons now, the tournament has earned…

An Interview With the IFL 2.0 First Runner-Ups

The IFL had a dramatic ending a few weeks ago with the part six class missing out on a chance to win the tournament for the second time…

Aduragbemi Emmanuel

Meet Aduragbemi Emmanuel Adebunmi: A soon-to-be Doctor of the Excelsiors Class

I am Aduragbemi Emmanuel. Any book on Grace should describe my life, how far God has helped a boy with one E8, and eight F9 in his first WAEC

An Interview With Amarachi Godswill-Nwankwo -The Clerk Of The IFUMSA SRB

In the House, we should all adopt the notion that there are no junior or senior Honourables, only Honourables.

100K Professional Fee: The Staff, The Students, and Everything In-between.

On the 23rd of March, the authorities of the Obafemi Awolowo University’s College of Health Sciences, invited undergraduate students in its three faculties for a colloquium. These faculties…

Interview with Daniel Olunu, the Speaker of the IFUMSA SRB

The present leadership of the IFUMSA SRB celebrated their 6 months in service quite recently. In honour of this, MediVoice reached out to the Honourable Speaker of the…

Med School Lifestyle MediVoice

Medical School Is More Than Big Textbooks!

I am standing with arms akimbo in the middle of the room, one leg of my socks in my hand, and the second leg nowhere to be found.…


The IFUMSA CARE TEAM now has a new chairperson to lead IFUMSA to the future she has always envisioned – a future where the mental health of IFUMSAITES…

Eshemokhai Okhesomi

Exclusive Interview with the Editor-in-Chief of MediVoice News and Literary Club- Eshemokhai Okhesomi

Here, we feature Eshemokhai OKhesomi, the current Editor in Chief of MediVoice News and Literary Club. Medivoice: Can we meet you, please? My name is Eshemokhai Okhesomi Rejoice.…

OAU COHS AT 50 debate


I have heard a thousand times that words are magical, mystical, and awe-inspiring. However, the thousandth applause and the millionth huzzah that shook the foundation of HSLT C…