Meet Aduragbemi Emmanuel Adebunmi: A soon-to-be Doctor of the Excelsiors Class

Medivoice:Cook-a-doddle-do’ The rooster goes as it awaits the sunrise. For it knows with the sun brings good tidings with it. I’m sure my dear readers are also curious to find out what the sun brings this time. The sun rose and nested over the Part 6 class. He is as illuminating as the sun itself. So dear sir, can we meet who the sun chose today?

POTW: I am Aduragbemi Emmanuel Adebunmi

Aduragbemi Emmanuel

Medivoice Thank you for your time Adura. So, let’s jump right into the questions. How do you feel about being a doctor in a few months? 

POTW: The feeling is great and it’s about how far God has helped a boy with one E8 and eight F9 in his first WAEC result…

Medivoice: Wow, It’s been quite the journey. God is wonderful. Do you have any office within or outside IFUMSA?

POTW: If this is considered an office, I am privileged to be the chairman of the IFUMSA SRB disciplinary committee, Outside IFUMSA God has helped me to hold some offices.

Medivoice: Ah! Mr Disciplinary Chairman, where are my manners? I salute you, sir. Stands at attention. Can I be at ease sir? Anyway, coming back to Medschool, How would you describe it?

POTW: Medical school is like a treasure in a hard shell… Work is needed to break the shell… Consistency can not be over-emphasized but I must say this, nothing beats the place of God in the journey.

Medivoice: “A treasure in a hard shell.” What a way to describe Med School. We’ll keep hammering till the shell breaks. Moving on, If you had a second chance will you still pick Medicine?

POTW: I will…it took me 6 years to get this… I love medicine.

Medivoice: Wow! 6 years and you didn’t give up?  I’m honestly blown away by your tenacity and spirit. Your love for Medicine no small ohh. Looking back, if you could change one thing from your Med School journey what would it be?

POTW: My approach to learning in my preclinical… The focus then was more about passing…

Medivoice: God, is this a sign? Are you telling me to change my ways? Make I no just dey read to pass? So, what is your frustrating and exciting experience in Med school?

POTW: My part four was rough and frustrating and the most exciting experience was the fact that I scaled through without resit… It was exciting

Medivoice: Who would have thought that the ‘most stressful class’ could offer excitement? I guess finally leaving that class is something to look forward to. Speaking about stress, when the going gets rough, what keeps you going?

POTW: A lot… But my Mum, my home keeps me going.. My home is my catalyst… 

Medivoice: There really is no place like home. So, If the world was ending, who would you spend your last moments with?

POTW: My last moment will be with my maker… The essence of my life is all about him.

Medivoice: You started with him and you’ll end with him. Amen. Moving on, What’s your Dream Vacation?

POTW: I don’t know yet… When the money comes I will be able to dream right.

Medivoice: When the money come, abeg no forget me. To the next question, Is there a celebrity you strongly dislike?

POTW: Na Satan o, that guy would have kept me in ultimate darkness.

Medivoice: Thank God you found the light. So, does Mr Adura have any College crush or someone you admire?

POTW: Kolawole Olayinka

Medivoice: What’s your relationship status? I’m just asking for a friend by the way

POTW: I am taken

Medivoice: Yeeeee. Better Luck next time my friend. What’s a fun fact about Aduragbemi Emmanuel?

POTW: Pounded yam with Egusi and Ogunfe na my love language.

Medivoice: You’re a man of culture. Pounded Yam and Egusi, is definitely top-tier. Food should be a love language. Gary Chapman needs to update his book.  Moving on, what’s your biggest pet peeve?

POTW: Make I no lie, I no know this one

Medivoice: Alright then, can you describe your life with a book or movie?

POTW: Grace… Any book or film on Grace will describe my life.

Medivoice: I’ll certainly want to watch or read that. Any friend(s) you’ll like to give a shout-out to?

POTW: Okunade and Adedayo… They are the family med school gave me… I cherish them

Medivoice: Finally, Any last words for Medivoice

POTW: Medivoice! Thank you!!!

Medivoice; Thank you very much for coming Adura. I wish you the best in your endeavors. You can connect with Aduragbemi Emmanuel here: Instagram: Adebunmiadura or LinkedIn:

Thank you for sticking to the end dear readers. You give me a reason to live. You can read the previous episodes of our Personality of the Week here. Till next time. Always await the sunrise.

1 reply on “Meet Aduragbemi Emmanuel Adebunmi: A soon-to-be Doctor of the Excelsiors Class”

  • Weldone Medivoice and I will lol to specially commend Akinbo. You guys are bringing up awesome stuffs

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