The 5 Stages of Acceptance: Navigating Betrayal and Forgiveness

Sad man and woman holding a ripped heart signifying betrayal and broke trust


Have you ever felt deeply betrayed or wronged by someone you love and trust?

The sting of betrayal by a loved one can be a deeply wounding experience. The emotional fallout is usually devastating. It can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you, leaving you confused, hurt, and unsure of how to move forward. 

We often rely on those closest to us for trust and support, so when that trust is broken, it triggers a complex emotional journey.

The five stages of acceptance, originally developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross offer a framework for understanding the emotional journey you might take after a betrayal.

Forgiveness after being wronged or betrayed by a loved one is a complex and personal journey, but, understanding the 5 stages of acceptance can help you navigate your emotions and eventually find a path to it.

Of course, acceptance does not mean forgetting or excusing the betrayal; rather, it signifies coming to terms with what happened and finding a way to forge ahead. 

In this article, I explore the five stages of acceptance — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance — and provide insights into how they manifest and how to cope with each stage after being betrayed.


The five stages are:

1. Denial: The initial shock can lead to denial, a refusal to believe what has happened. You might minimize the situation, make excuses for the person’s actions, or avoid confronting the truth, making you cling to the belief that things are still okay. This stage is a coping mechanism to shield yourself from the overwhelming pain of reality. 

2. Anger: As denial fades away, anger sets in. You begin to feel rage towards the person who betrayed you, questioning their motives and the foundation of your relationship with them. You may even feel resentment for the broken trust, and a desire to lash out.

3. Bargaining: In a desperate attempt to change the situation, you could find yourself bargaining both internally and externally, which may involve you trying to “fix” things, offering forgiveness in exchange for them turning a new leaf, making promises or deals, hoping to undo the betrayal and change the reality of the situation.

4. Depression: The full weight of the situation often hits during this stage and can lead to sadness, despair, and isolation. You begin to question your judgment and feel a deep sense of loss. 

5. Acceptance: This final stage is not about forgetting or condoning the betrayal.  Instead, it signifies you coming to terms with the reality of the situation, understanding its impact, learning to live with the hurt, and finding a way to move on so you can rebuild your life. You acknowledge the hurt but choose not to let it define or control you. 


A common misconception is that the stages of acceptance are experienced linearly. 

In reality, people may go through these stages in different orders, revisit previous stages, or even experience multiple stages simultaneously.

And while many people do experience some or all of these stages, it’s not a universal experience. Personal coping mechanisms, the nature of the betrayal, and individual resilience all influence how a person navigates these stages.

In the end, there’s no “right” way to process a betrayal or nurse the loss of trust.


When someone you love betrays your trust, it can feel like the world around you is shattered. Undoubtedly, navigating the emotions in all 5 stages can be extremely challenging, however embracing healthy coping mechanisms can make a big difference.

Here are some tips for navigating each stage:

1. Denial

a. Accept that denial is a natural response and allow yourself to feel the shock, but gently push yourself to face reality.

b. Talk to someone you trust to help ground yourself in reality.

c. Journaling your honest feelings can help break through denial.

2. Anger

a. Engage in physical activities like running or boxing, or creative outlets like painting or writing.

b. Use deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga to manage intense anger.

c. Join a support group or talk to a therapist to process your anger constructively.

3. Bargaining

a. Remind yourself that bargaining won’t change the past. Concentrate on what you can control – your actions and reactions.

b. Protect yourself by setting clear limits on interactions with the betrayer.

c. Be kind to yourself and understand that it’s normal to want things to be different.

4. Depression

a. Don’t isolate yourself. Stay connected with supportive friends who can offer comfort.

b. Prioritize activities that promote your well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, and adequate rest.

c. Reach out to a therapist who can help you work through your depression.

5. Acceptance

a. Accept the situation as it is without trying to change it.

b. Look for lessons or growth that may have come from the experience.

c. Focus on what you can control and take steps towards rebuilding your life and pursuing new interests and relationships.


Acceptance Does Not Mean Forgetting.

It’s acknowledging the hurt without letting it define you. It is recognizing the betrayal’s impact, learning from it, and choosing to move forward without being held captive by the past. It’s about integrating the experience into your life’s story in a way that allows for growth and new beginnings and this may include setting new boundaries, redefining relationships, or focusing on personal growth.

Acceptance empowers you to move on and build healthier relationships in the future. It allows you to heal and rebuild your life, with or without the person who betrayed you.  

The journey may be long and difficult, but understanding these stages and practicing self-care can empower you to move forward and perhaps find a path to forgiveness that honors your experience and supports your healing journey. 

The road to forgiveness and acceptance requires time, patience, and compassion for yourself, but remember, you have the strength to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life.

You can enjoy other articles on love and relationship here.

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