The Book Fairy brings to you a Novel crafted in the deepest place of the wildest mind – “Annihilation” – let self-destruction rule.
Hi there Medivoicers, with you here today is The Book Fairy. Yeah, you heard that right “I am The Book Fairy”; I mean, I have the right to name myself whatever I want, so stop the judgement.
Today, I will recommend a book under the guise of a very controversial topic – Changing books into movies. Well, most people (when I say most people, I mean seasoned readers who can literally be sucked into the book they are reading and create a universe in their heads about it, not you who doesn’t read books) don’t like it when their favourite books are changed into movies because it messes with a lot of things.
Yep, a lot of things. One of the most prominent is that it changes the picture they have already painted in their head. Some people even go ahead to hate the movie because the producers presented their favourite characters in a distorted way.
Hmm, hmmm, you’re getting the tingle, right?🤔 You’re about to say a couple of those movies; well, suck it back down your throat. That’s not why we’re here today😒. You can express your grievances on another platform, on another day, if I, “The Book Fairy”, decide to give you the chance.
If the anger gets too much within you, you can do to the movie producers what John Wick did to the one who killed his dog…
So let’s dive into it:
Hold up!✋🏽 Did you expect me to start mentioning Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, or The Fault in Our Stars? Inasmuch as those books are awesome and hold a special place in our hearts, their references are becoming “Cliche.” My job as “The Book Fairy” is not to serve you “Cliched Content” – do you want them to sack me? Did you just nod your head? Better not be.
The Book we’re talking about today is Annihilation. Let’s check out the details:
Name: Annihilation (Obviously)
Author: Jeff Vandermeer (No, it’s not me, thanks for believing in me, though)
Genre: Science, Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, Mystery, Dystopia
Date Published: February 4th, 2014
Pages: 194 pages
Book – movie Transition Year: 2018
I know you’re asking yourself that who in the name of goodness gracious is Jeff Vandermeer? Well, I don’t know too🤷🏽♂️. I just know he has an amazing writer with an incredibly wild mind.

When I first saw the movie, I was so confused. Do you know those very tantalising and suspenseful movies that will still leave you blank at the end? Yep, it was one of them. The curious cat in me took over, and I decided to clear my worries. Turns out it was adapted from a book, and I loved it.
Who else experienced those Nigerian Movies about expeditions into “some evil forest” to bring back an item that will clear a famine or bad omen? It was giving that vibe. However, in the case of Annihilation, it was an all-female expedition (why was it all women? Well, I don’t know or I won’t say), and they weren’t looking for any item; they were trying to find out the reason why a weird gradually-expanding dome-like ecosystem had appeared out of nowhere.
Did they find the answers they were looking for? Well, you’ll have to uncover that yourself. What I can say is👇🏽,
The desire for self-destruction is an innate human feature and can only be hidden and masked for so long. Soon enough, the truth will out.
The Proud Book Fairy
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer is an awesome book that will either keep you hooked or confused (depending on which part of the smartness spectrum your pendulum is swinging to) from the beginning to the end. Do check it out; that’s an order, by the way😐!
While considering if you’ll be mentally advanced to decipher what “Annihilationhilation” is all about, check out some beautiful MediVoice original stories here. So uhmmm, till we meet next, Book Fairy out!
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