
The Tale of the Dark-skinned Man

The tale of the dark-skinned man The soul gravitates towards his vanquisher, such is the tale of the dark-skinned man. The air of inferiority complex that fills his…

King Arthur’s Infinity News Table 3

It is revealed that Nigerian politicians never go without wearing a form of hat or cap because they always be capping.

Why Women Are So Dreadfully Unfunny?

Every man knows the highest compliment they can get from anyone is to be called a “dickhead.” As you very well know, it is scientifically proven that only a true dickhead has a genuine sense of humour.

King Arthur’s Infinity News Table 2

Government commissions new suicide memorial centres for the suicides of 2021. The statement released states, "It is much easier to mourn this needless loss of life in advance…

King Arthur’s Infinity News Table

Don’t the news headlines we see nowadays seem more and more like jokes or like something straight out of Rick and Morty’s Interdimensional tv? Wouldn’t it be better…