Why you should visit Nigeria?

If you were to take a look at a world globe and had the seemingly common ability to read, you would come across a continent that starts with a vowel and ends with a vowel (oh wait.) Well the most beautifully carved out land is Africa. Most of the other continents, I’m sorry to say, look like poorly shaped yam or amoeba. West of Africa, there’s a small, beautifully shaped country called Nigeria. You might have heard of it. It is the “Giant of Africa” not because of its land mass but the sheer amount of people living there. And today, we’re going to be exploring why you should visit it.

The life. if you are travelling from one state to another, you’re bound to see trees, trees everywhere. If you’re travelling North, you get to see shrubbery and vast expanses of unoccupied land. If you want to commune with nature, find one of Nigeria’s many forests and sit down there. Just make sure it isn’t Sambisa forest, or a plantation laced with charms so that your commune with nature will not lead to your death.

The people. There happens to be a stereotype that makes it seem like Nigerians should be fun and interesting people, which is why one of my teachers told me I didn’t seem African because I wasn’t very interesting (I’ve not forgiven you, Uncle Ralph). Any way, this stereotype actually holds up with a large percentage of the population. Lagos will blindside you with entertainment and all round fun entertainment.

The cultuuure. The culshure. Do you know how many cultures Nigeria has? Well, it’s not your fault, no one actually knows for sure. Now the sense of historical preservation of buildings may not be as strong as Victor Hugo and his Notre Dame. But… if there’s one thing Nigerians uphold. It’s tradition.

You have no friends in Nigeria but you want to experience ze culshure? It’s really not that difficult. Wake up early on a Saturday morning. No, actually, wake upp late on a Saturday morning. Dress up in your finest attire, preferably the traditional regalia of whichever city you’re in. Then drive to the nearest event center, church, mosque, or source of loud noise. If you’re lucky, you’ll meet people carrying a coffin and dancing on the road (It’s a lot less grim than it sounds.) Follow the crowd to where the party is, and partaay. It’s very easy if you have skin any shade from the colour of tea to the colour of the night sky

The domestic livestock. There is an astounding number of goats, sheep and chickens. Depending which neighbourhood you are in, you might find an outstanding number of dogs. Do not run from these dogs, cause they will chase you (I know from experience.) In a lot of non-rich people neighbourhood, you’ll find many domestic livestock to look at.

The roads. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster before? Trust me, being on some Nigerian roads eliminates the need for them. Put on your seatbelt because you are in for a bumpy ride. There will be some screaming, some praying to your God, but all together, it’s a very fun experience if you don’t die or get robbed or kidnapped.

The lack of light pollution. Have you ever looked at the skies in your city and wished there were less lights everywhere so you could see the stars. No such disturbance in Nigeria. Power is taken at regular intervals so Nigerians can enjoy the beautiful star lit night sky. And a lot of times, enjoy the beautiful day sun. A luxury Nigerians love to have.

The fooood.  Eskees me, ma. Eskees me, sir. Have you tasted party jollof before? You’ll lick your uvula.  Each culture has its own unique special cuisine. Is it banga soup? is it pepper soup? Is it ogbono? Is it groundnut soup? You might have heard that Yoruba food is super peppery. That’s it. That’s all I’m saying.    

Nigeria is a beautiful country from every angle and even her faults can be humorous at times. I think I can proudly it is a country worth visiting, and a country worth living in. Well, sometimes.

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