As the IFUMSA elections draw near, MediVoice remains dedicated to delivering important news during this pivotal period. Here is our interview with an aspiring Assistant General Secretary (AGS):
MediVoice: Hello, can you introduce yourself to IFUMSAITES. (Name, class, position you’re contesting for, and any other important thing we need to know)
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: I am AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel. A part 2 medical student of Obafemi Awolowo University. I’m contesting for the Position of the Assistant General Secretary (AGS) of IFUMSA. I am a thought leader and a versatile IFUMSAite. I am dedicated to the service of people and has served in various capacities in IFUMSA.MediVoice:
MediVoice: What three fundamental values do you uphold, and how do you anticipate that they will contribute to the advancement of this association?
Just like what my campaign has centered around. My plans for the AGS office hinge on a tripod of continuity and sustainability, collaboration for inclusion and creative innovations. With these three core values, I intend to preserve the culture of the association and shape our future.
The unique role of the AGS borders around upholding and passing down the culture of the association especially among freshmen. Also, working with different classes for academic advancement while taking their uniqueness into account. Lastly, fostering creative innovation for the improvement of every IFUMSAite. Taking these to heart, the importance of the aforementioned values becomes patent.
MediVoice: Kindly shed light on your comprehension of the responsibilities associated with the Assistant General Secretary’s role within IFUMSA?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: The roles of the Assistant General Secretary are stated explicitly in section 18 of the IFUMSA Constitution. Nonetheless, I will only be doing the summary here. The Assistant General Secretary is expected to assist the General Secretary on all matters including filling in in their absence.
The AGS has the responsibility of ensuring proper handing over of the association’s properties during the transition of executives. Also, AGS caters for the needs of the freshmen. This responsibility includes their intimation and integration into the academic system and the activities of the association.
Lastly, the AGS is to be in charge and cater for the academic needs of the association without leaving any class out.
MediVoice: Have you had any prior leadership experience within or outside IFUMSA?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: Yes, I have worked in several capacities both within and outside of IFUMSA. I have served as team lead for a number of activities in IFUMSA among many other portfolios.
MediVoice: Why are you running for the office of Assistant General Secretary and not any other post?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: Like I said earlier, I am a thought leader who is more concerned about impact than being in the limelight. The AGS position will afford me the opportunity to impact the lives of IFUMSAites directly, especially freshmen and it will give me the opportunity to be able to measure my progress.
Also, the AGS is a critical position which is crucial to shaping the future of the association in terms of their role with the freshmen. I also believe I have the best plans and have gathered enough experience to run this office efficiently.MediVoice:
MediVoice: What sets you apart from other candidates running for this post and why should IFUMSAITES trust you?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: One major factor that sets me apart is the experience of working closely with the current AGS. This allowed me to know firsthand the intricacies of the office as well as the needed improvements. Also, I have, in my manifesto, plans that will bring indelible and unprecedented improvements to the association.
MediVoice: As fellow medical students, recognizing the importance of time, how do you plan to balance academic commitments with the responsibilities of the Assistant General Secretary role effectively?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: Like a famous Jewish teacher once asked, “Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it?” I have counted my cost and I have made systems and plans available to help me scale through.
MediVoice: How would you describe your vision for IFUMSAites, and what specific goals do you hope to achieve if elected?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: My vision and goals are both important and timely. I plan on working on systems that collaborate with every class to better serve their specific needs. I’m also planning on working on an organized and digitalized system of academic information and needed materials among many other plans that will be revealed as the campaign unfolds.
MediVoice: While we wish every candidate success, in the event that you do not secure victory in this election, can the association confidently expect your continued support and assistance?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: Of course. Service does not end with holding an executive position.
MediVoice: Any final words for IFUMSAites?
AJAO Oluwatimileyin Samuel: At this point, I will love to implore all IFUMSAites to keep an open mind in this election so as to vote the best candidate for the office. Also, as I said in my declaration of intent, no matter how many plans a man has for an office, effective service is contingent on the opportunity to do so. In short, I need your support in the coming elections. Thank you.
That’s all from the AGS aspirant for now. Stay tuned for more.
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