The IFL had a dramatic ending a few weeks ago with the part six class missing out on a chance to win the tournament for the second time by just one goal.
In an interview with the coach of the part 6 class, Badru Muhydeen, Medivoice sought out his opinion regarding the competition and how it played out for his team.
Medivoice: How do you feel relinquishing the title to the class you beat to it last year on just one goal difference?
Badru Muhydeen: It was dramatic, it feels like a tale of what could have or should have but it’s football, bloody hell.
Medivoice: What was the reaction within the team about Trennie losing a penalty that could have won you the IFL for the second time?
Badru Muhydeen: I felt bland, that was it. He was confident, he volunteered to take and at such a moment, you tend to allow the confidence to manifest. It wasn’t meant to be. I was bland, not so sad, it’s football, things happen
Medivoice: Do you think your team deserved to be champions, more than the winners?
Badru Muhydeen: Well, I’m not going to take credit away where it’s due but again it’s football, things happen but as a team, we were good enough to have won just held back by some fine margins but the winning team paid their dues.
Medivoice: At some point during the league, you said your players were rusty, however, you drew only one game and scored the most goals in the tournament, do you think they were rusty?
Badru Muhydeen: We were rusty, the games were training sessions and our performances got better and better hence, we ended with the most goals scored. Otherwise, we could have been more dominant early on
Medivoice: Do you think you made some mistakes in any of the games that could have affected your campaign in the league?
Badru Muhydeen: I don’t think I made a mistake. I think as a manager, I tactically prepared for every match properly, some of the things that happened are not what a coach can control. But maybe by ensuring we started much fitter. Asides that, tactically, I don’t think I started the wrong player.
Medivoice: If you could go back to some fixtures, what do you think you would have done differently?
Badru Muhydeen: Part 2, getting Misbahudeen available for the match which ended 1-0
Medivoice: What do you have to say about this year’s IFL?
Badru Muhydeen: Different controversies but as a whole, ended solidly even though I was on the other end of it. I feel proud that the legacy of the IFUMSA League continued and hope to hear more of the extraordinary stories of thrilling sporting experiences by the time I become an alumnus
Medivoice: The forthcoming Wale Okediran is your last competition in medical school, how do you feel about this?
Badru Muhydeen: No pressure, no expectations, we will enjoy the last moments on the pitch. That’s all
Medivoice: Do you think your class can go on to win it on this last try seeing that you haven’t won it before?
Badru Muhydeen: Quality-wise? For 5/6 years now, the team has been good enough to win anything but one or two things happen and we don’t quite get there, except last IFL, so I have no doubts about the quality within the team. We are good enough but we will see, we’re not going to call it a do or die
Medivoice: Where do you see IFUMSA football in the coming years?
Badru Muhydeen: I am happy in the recent Provost Cup, I coached the faculty team to a victory, the first time in 6 years after losing the last final. I just want to hope that those coming behind us take on the necessary responsibilities to make things even better than it is now. That’s what we would all love to see.
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