house of mirrors

Magic House Of Mirrors (a short story)

The house of mirrors had been his invention. Tayo had invested his life into channels to alternate realities. And then he had left her. Just like that. Because she was that easy to leave behind.

Flowery love

Two flowers waved at each other shyly.Neither could stalk the other.As they were each stuck to a single stalk Their petals enclosed budding loveAs they caught glances of…



None of us is right. The metal cylinder had travelled through years. It finally came hurtling down in the middle of the forest. Gana was playing among the…

Getting that bread

Today, we shall be discussing some of the very many things you can do with bread.

The Jabberwocky’s son

But everyone who saw her son post the tribal marks incident thought he looked so much better because you couldn’t see his face.

Noodle Supremacy

Noodles can be spiced up in several ways, and I shall mention a few of them in this article.


He walks to the opposite end of their yard and begins to play. And the nothing in him builds into something so beautiful.

CBN Freezes Accounts of Risevest, Bamboo, Others…

The federal high court, Abuja, granted the request of the Central Bank of Nigeria to freeze accounts of some forex traders in Nigeria.

My Opinion on the Cancel Culture

“I have spoken to young people who tell me they are terrified to tweet anything, that they read and reread their tweets because they fear they will be attacked by their own.”

Owu, a Yoruba Retelling of the Trojan War

“The Women Of Owu” tells the story of a war that started because of a beautiful woman and two men who felt cuckolded.