Hello beautiful people, How are you?, not too bored I hope?
Yeah, this lockdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic is taking its toll on a majority of people and everyone is now basically bored in the house and in the house bored, savage, bougie and classy on tik-tok, or doing one challenge or the other. It goes without saying that since we’re not going out our fashion game is now considerably low while our pyjamas game is at an all-time high.
Now that we have a lot of free time on our hands here are some fun things to do to make sure that fashion is not neglected.
- Take good care of yourself: I’m talking about skin goals, body goals, spiritual goals, hair goals, everything goals!. You have a lot of time to give yourself the best care yet. Eat healthily, get a lot of beauty sleep, drink lots of water, use top-notch products for your skin and hair, exercise, read books, work on your growth as a person, work on your all-round glow so much so that by the time you step out after this lockdown, you’ll be turning heads, you’ll be a light to be reckoned with, your slaying will be on a whole new level!
- Organise your closet: Now I know this just sounds like a chore but who says it can’t be fun?. Get out your clothes from your wardrobe or drawer and arrange them according to colour or the type of material they are made from. Play some music and dance as you organise them, play dress up, get wacky and funky with it, dress up as British royalty, dress up like a cartoon character or an anime character, do a catwalk in your various outfits, rope your siblings in if you have any, take lots of pictures and videos, you’ll look at them in the future and laugh at your goofiness. Don’t forget to complete the task of actually organising your clothes, stash the ones you’ve outgrown for charity.

- Repurpose your old clothes: There are a lot of ways you can repurpose some of your old clothes and create new styles. There are a lot of DIY videos on YouTube to give you ideas and guide you through and you’ll find that there’s a certain kind of fun that comes with being creative.
- Do the brush challenge: You know the before and after video, most people are making wherein they’re in stay-home clothes with a plain face and all and then they place a brush on the screen and voila! they’re all dressed up, beautiful and handsome. Well, you could do one too. It’s something that will make you and others smile when you post it.
- Do a photoshoot: I know you’re not going anywhere but just choose a day and dress up, put some makeup on (or not)and take lots and lots of photos, it sounds like joblessness I know but I’ve done it before and it was fun, anytime I look at my at-home photoshoot pictures I just smile and even laugh.
Gain a fashion skill: If you are in the business of fashion, you could use this time to improve your skills. Whether it is sketching designs or sewing, you have a lot of time to get creative! Even if you’re not in the fashion business and do not have a fashion skill, you could use this time to learn. There are a lot of tutorial videos online guaranteed to help you out.
Well, that’s all for today, do take the list above into consideration and stay safe.
Till next time then, lots of love.
- Amara
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