Meet Ige Oluwaseyi of the Magna Medicos Class

Image of POTW

Hello Medivoice Readers, welcome to another episode of the Personality of the Week. We have the honour of interviewing Seyi of the Magna class today.

Medivoice: Hi, Can we meet you?

POTW: I am Ige Oluwaseyi Mercy, a part 2 medical student. I hail from Ekiti State; however, I reside in Lagos state.

Medivoice: Delightful to meet you, Oluwaseyi. If I may ask, why did you choose a career in medicine, and what informed your choice of institution?

POTW: I chose medicine for the money, definitely. I honestly don’t know why i picked OAU, I just did.

Medivoice : Do you regret that decision?

POTW: No, I don’t but I do think OAU is overhyped, Africa’s most beautiful campus and all.

Medivoice: How would you describe your journey so far as a part 2 student?

POTW: I really can’t say much though, but i am trying my best to adapt to the system. I have written two incourses so far, and it’s safe to say they were both good. Hopefully, the trend continues 🤲🏽😩

Medivoice: What would you record as your most exciting experience in medical school?

POTW: My most frustrating moment in med school so far was in the cadaver lab during steeplechase incourse, I wan craze. I couldn’t just cry😭😭 the time was so short that I could hardly process anything 😩

Medivoice: That must have been tough. When the going gets rough, what keeps you going?

POTW: My parents’ motivation and the perks that come with being a doctor.

Medivoice: So, what do you do outside of academics?

POTW: I don’t really do much outside academics. However, when I am not with my books, I’m either sleeping or pressing my phone.

Medivoice: Any political aspirations for IFUMSA? Do you hold any posts within IFUMSA at present and in what capacity would you like to serve if granted the opportunity?

POTW: No position, and I don’t think I am interested in IFUMSA politics.

Medivoice: Tell us some interesting or funny facts about you.

POTW: I am fun to be with and I love knowing more about something

Medivoice: It can’t be all about books, right? Are you in a romantic relationship? Wo makes your heart flutter in college?

POTW: Yes, I am in a relationship and no one makes my heart flutter in college.😂 na only my man dey enter my eyes, and e no dey college.

Medivoice: Is there any life philosophy you follow?

POTW: If it didn’t dey, e didn’t dey, don’t force it.

Medivoice: If not medicine, what are you most likely going to study?

POTW: Medical Rehabilitation

Medivoice: Would you like to shoutout to anyone?

POTW: Shout out to my girlsss( Abiola and Praise)

Medivoice: Lastly, do you have any words for Medivoice?

POTW: Love and shine your light.❤️✌️

Medivoice: Thank you for your time, Miss Oluwaseyi. See you later

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