POTW Specials: Academic Achievement Award (Part 3) Nominee, Chukwuma Chukwunonso

MediVoice: Hiiiiii!! Can we meet you?

POTW: Helooooo!! I am Chukwuma Chukwunonso Joseph, popularly known as Nwise which serves as my common name.

MediVoice: Wow…we are having the popular Nwise on board. You have quite a record… Where do you hail from?

POTW: I’m a proud ibo guy from Ekwusigo LGA, Anambra State. But, I reside in Lagos.

MediVoice: Omo ibo…You are almost a complete Nigerian, hail from the east, reside in the west. That’s good. Do you hold any office in IFUMSA?

POTW: No, I don’t. I am just a member of some organs – ifemed and quiz club.

MediVoice: Oh okay, that’s nice. At least you are an active IFUMSAite and not just a passive member. So, what activities do you love to engage in?

POTW: Nothing in particular. It all depends on the vibes at the moment. Sometimes playing chess, interacting with friends, sleeping and so on.

MediVoice: Chess lord…I hail thee. What outfit do you love to appear in?

POTW: I’d choose a corporate attire over any other.

MediVoice: KPK…The clinical years should be prepared, I’m sure you’d give it to them plenty plenty. Corporate is actually a nice outfit. What are your best and worst courses so far in college?

POTW: Worst, none. The best is still undecided.

MediVoice: You are Shana oo…all courses are palatable to you. Wow!! So, why do you think you were chosen as POTW?

POTW: Lol. Because I’m an Ifumsaite I guess.

MediVoice: Apparently…So concerning the awards, how do you feel seeing your name as one of the nominees?

POTW: Surprised, honored and grateful. Grateful to God and those that nominated me.

MediVoice: Nice…it’s quite an honor. Do you happen to have any departmental crushes at the moment?

POTW: (Laughs)…

MediVoice: Seems like you are either too shy to talk or you don’t want to cast. (Laughs). Well, crushes are normal I guess. Anyway, to the big question – are you in a relationship, if no, are you open to one?

POTW: (laughs). No, I’m not. As at now, I’m not open, maybe tomorrow.

MediVoice: Hahahaha….you are quite hilarious. Long story short, admirers can still shoot their shot. What has been your weirdest experience so far?

POTW: Hmmmmmmmm…I don’t think I can remember any.

MediVoice: Okay…seems like your journey has been smooth so far. That’s nice.. What’s your best food?

POTW: It has to be oha and fufu.

MediVoice: Opppppooor…correct ibo guy, the son of the soil. That’s a very good satisfying meal. Anyways, what country would you like to visit if you are opportuned?

POTW: Well, no country in particular piques my interest at the moment. However when that time comes whatever country piques my interest at that time, I’d follow my heart.

MediVoice: Wawu…I usually thought everyone had their dream country, seems I was wrong.(chuckles). Any business or side hustle? If yes, how do you strike a balance?

POTW: Kinda…with time it’d be open to all. Y’all should wait for it.

MediVoice: Nice…another expected business to look out for…we all shall wait and see. As Nwise, what’s your philosophy of life?

POTW: I’m not one to particularly hold on to one philosophy. I have quite a number running through my mind right now sef. (laughs).

MediVoice: (Laughs)… Seems like you are the philosophy kind of person. Anyways, Where do you see Nwise in the next ten years.

POTW: Omo…for now, let’s take it a step at a time. Let’s secure the bag first before we start seeing future.

MediVoice: Lol. Yea… It’s important we secure the bag. So, would you like to stay in Nigeria or japa?

POTW: Whichever way na way oo…Sha as the spirit leads.

MediVoice: Hmmmmmm….anyone works right? As far as you are making it and fulfilling purpose. What extracurricular activities do you engage in?

POTW: Aside my clubs activities, chess and some other little here and there activities.

MediVoice: Chess again. You should be bringing home the championship soonest. (laughs). Who would you like to give a shout out to?

POTW: IFUMSA, Exypnos medicos, my friends, my family and every well wishers.

MediVoice: So, what would you like to leave us with?

POTW: You guys are really doing a great job. You are actually the best, your works are showing it. Keep up the good work.

MediVoice: You are cutting onions on our blog oo…lol. Thanks so much. We won’t fail to deliver. It was nice having you on board. Thank you!

Another interview done and dusted, could be yours next time. Keep watching!

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