POTW Specials: Face of IFUMSA Nominee, Olajuyigbe Ayobami Miracle

MediVoice: Hi! Can we meet you?

POTW: Hello! I am Olajuyigbe Ayobami Miracle; first of three children; third-year medical student and the current face of the Exypnos Medicos class for the male category.

MediVoice: Oshey!! It is plenty for you oo…finest ! I throw way salute oo. Bossman! So, Miracle where do you hail from?

POTW: I’m a proud guy from a proud town in Ondo State; Supare Akoko to be precise😁.

MediVoice: The true son of the soil. (Laughs). Do you hold any office in IFUMSA at the moment?

POTW: Uhmm… For now, not exactly. Although I’m an active member of the social committee of IFUMSA. Also a two-term serving Public Relations Officer in the Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH), IFUMSA Chapter.

MediVoice: Not serving but quite active. So, what do you love to spend your time doing?

POTW: Enjoy doing?? Well, play video games, listen to Brymo, write philosophical quotes and, erhmm, reading.

MediVoice: Oh wow. A guy that loves reading, such a rare one to find. (Laughs). The playing video games is very typical of the males though. I can attest to your writing of philosophical quotes…you are really good at them. What do you love to see Miracle in?

POTW: Corporate dresses. Makes me really comfortable and proud. (Blushes)

MediVoice: Awwwwwn…corporate is a nice outfit. Your clinical year is sure for you then…giving them hot hot. (Laughs). What has been your worst and best course in college so far?

POTW: Lol. Really don’t have best and worst. Just found that I enjoy reading physiology the most and biochemistry the least🙈.

MediVoice: Wow. That makes two of us. Biochemistry is not just my thing either. Why do you think you were chosen as POTW?

POTW: Well. Didn’t see it coming, but I feel it’s basically coz’ I’m an Ifumsaite.

MediVoice: Apparently, that’s it. How do you feel being nominated for the Face of IFUMSA award?

POTW: Haq. This question😂🙈😁. Well, feeling happy and accomplished because ever since I was in part 1, I’ve always wanted to be the face, to represent IFUMSAites and getting closer to that goal makes me glad. Lol

MediVoice: Awwwwwn…dream coming true. I can imagine the feeling. Do you have any departmental crushes?

POTW: Departmental crushes?? Lol.Yeah. Mostly senior colleagues🙈. Haq. That isn’t from me😁.

MediVoice: Why shall thy shy? Crushes are almost inevitable. Senior ladies in the house, y’all got yourself an admirer. (Laughs). The epic question at last. Miracle, are you in a relationship? If no, are you open to one?

POTW: Relationship…Nah. Not in one. I pick friendship over relationship. And I am open to friendship🥺.

MediVoice: All ye admirers, I guess it’s time to change your direction. Hahahaha…. Miracle is open to friendship alone. (chuckles). So, why was medicine your chosen field?

POTW: Medicine. Uhmm. Right from being a kid, I’ve always loved our medical doctors’ attire, the grit they show and the prestige that comes with being a medical doctor.

MediVoice: It’s the prestige for me… Can you share your weirdest experience?

POTW: Weirdest experience. Haq. Can’t remember ooo but I think rushing to a practical class then slipping on the stairs.

MediVoice: Ouch that hurts…could be embarrassing too. Moving on, what’s your best food?

POTW: Rice and beans with a nice stew is the easiest way to my heart😌.

MediVoice: Omo…my salivary glands just got activated. Simple, but really nice meal. What country would you like to visit if you had an opportunity?

POTW: Iceland. I need peace of mind in my life😐.

MediVoice: Wow…I was expecting all those popular countries. Iceland is not bad though, like you said you get to have your peace and quiet. It’s a nice choice. Are you into any business or side hustle? If yes, how do you strike a balance?

POTW: Well. Yeah. I’m a copywriter. I write for clients on online platforms et al.
Maintaining balance… Uhmm, writing doesn’t really feel like a cross to me. I love doing it… I see it as a means of relaxing.

MediVoice: Oshey….dollar earning OG. Show us the way now.(laughs). True…when you do what you love, it comes easy. What is your philosophy of life, Miracle?

POTW: I share a similar view with the German philosopher; Friedrich Hegel: “What is rational is actual, and what is actual is rational”

MediVoice: Nice. I was expecting one of your philosophical quotes though. Anyways, where do you see Miracle in the next 10 years?

POTW: In the next ten years, I see a young medical doctor, studying to be a plastic surgeon, married with two kids living life and doing what he’s always wanted.

MediVoice: Simple and nice dream. Would you love to stay in Nigeria or japa?

POTW: Really a question?? Lol😂… Japa way.

MediVoice: (laughs). Don’t be shocked it’s a question oo…some people want to make Nigeria better, but seems like the beautiful ones are yet to be born. What extracurricular activities do you engage in, if any?

POTW: Building good relationships, planning events.

MediVoice: Nice stuff. So, Miracle, it’s time to give a shout out.

POTW: Uhmm…My guys…Dem Jomiloju, Marvelous, Cupid, Lanre, My Class Rep and my Exypnos family, you guys are the real MVP!

MediVoice: Give it up for the Balenciaga boys.😂😂😂 It’s not easy to be in that geng. What would you like to leave us with?

POTW: Thank you Medivoice. It was a great honour and pleasure spending time here. Hope you keep up the excellent work😊!

MediVoice: It was a pleasure having you too. You can always count on us to deliver 🙂. .

Keep watching this space to get to know the several nominees for the IHW’21 Dinner/Awards night. See ya!

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