The Planned Parental Federation of Nigeria (PPFN) Osogbo, an organization that deals mainly with reproductive health, family planning and cervical cancer also sent representatives who conducted cervical cancer screening for ladies above 20. By the time the team arrived, the hopeful residents of the town were already seated in the town hall and ready to be attended to.They were sensitized about their hygiene and protocol to be followedwhile undergoing the tests by Shelawills.Majority of the residents of Ipetumodu who showed up for the screening were the elderly, closely followed by children. Only a handful of teenagers and young adults showed up.
The outreach team formed various units to ensure an effective conduction of the tests and screenings, these units include: the BMI and Blood pressure unit, the hepatitis screening unit,the blood glucose unit, the retroviral test unit, the dental unit, the malaria screening unit, the consulting unit and the pharmacy unit. One unit that was particularly intriguing to watch was the malaria screening unit and it’s not because there was any special kind of procedure carried out but because they mainly conducted the screening for the children and most of them cried even before being pricked for their blood sample. Their fear was indeed palpable and the team tried to calm them down but the more the children witnessed a child crying and struggling while being pricked, the more scared they became and then they too began to struggle with their parent or guardian, wanting to escape at all cost. Not even the charming, handsome and reassuring face and words of the head of the malaria screening team in person of Agbakwuru Maxmillian and the other members could calm them down and soon the unit was crowded by wailing children. It was not until Shelawills and Vice President Peppermint showed up with treats such as biscuits that the children calmed down. Children, such simple minded creatures!
The consulting unit counseled the people based on their test results and prescribed drugs to those who needed it which the pharmacy unit handed out to them for free. The turn out for the outreach was indeed massive and it ended leaving most of the Ipetumodu residents satisfied and thankful. The IHAC team and volunteers were not left out in this feeling of satisfaction proving that it’s fulfilling to be a health practitioner. The outreach was an amazing experience and we definitely can’t wait for the next!

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