You stared at the lovers walking right in front of you and hissed. “Yeye love!” You muttered under your breath.
It was just a few minutes past 7 pm yet they couldn’t keep their arms to themselves till darkness could cover up their display.
You hissed again as you looked on and quickened your steps to get them out of your sight.
Soon your room was in sight. The long day of lectures was taking a toll on you already coupled with the hunger dealing with you.
You tried opening the door only to realise it was locked.
“Oh God! This girl has gone out!”
You dialed her number immediately and Temmie, your roommate, picked up and assured you she was in front of the hostel already and would soon get to the room.
You leaned against the door and watched as people passed.
“Didn’t she say she was outside already? This is over 15 minutes.” You muttered under your breath as you checked your time, anger rising within you already.
The groaning in your stomach was not helping matters. It was only a matter of time before you collapsed if you did not do something immediately.
“Didn’t she say she was in front of the hostel? Then I will go and find her there.” You gather the remaining strength in you and head to the front of the hostel.
You stood still immediately you saw her. Conflicting thoughts held you bound as you watched her from afar.
Head rested on the chest of a companion who was a male standing amidst other group of people who were also paired up in twos.
“Should you go ahead and meet her with the anger growling in you or call her so she could see you were close by and hand the key over to you?” You contemplated for a few seconds.
It took a lot of holding back but you settled for the latter. You still had some self-respect and decency even though you were pissed.
You called and thank goodness, she picked up as she disengaged from her public display of affection.
“I thought you said you would be in front of the room in a jiffy.” Irritation was laced all over your voice but you didn’t bother hiding it. You already had it to the brim and your belly was full already.
“It’s been over 15 minutes waiting. Here you are all curled up on a guy keeping me waiting.” You hissed.
Her head turned immediately to you.
“I need the key now! Stop keeping me waiting for nonsense.” You barked impatiently.
She walked briskly to you immediately while fiddling with her pocket, obviously trying to get the keys out.
“Don’t transfer your aggression to me. I am not the cause of you lacking love.” She said as she got to you on seeing how angry you looked. “It isn’t me who said you should be single to stupor and have no one looking your way.” She added.
Her words jabbed you repeatedly even as she hurled the keys and some incoherent words alongside it at you.
This was not the first time you would be hearing that, it just stung a little deep this time. The more you tried to shelve it off even as you walked to your room, the more it kept coming back even till you made your dinner. Maybe because it was true.
Now you understood why you had been getting angry unnecessarily at the lovebirds you saw earlier. Your loveless life was what was eating you deep.
Your phone rang as you settled down to eat dinner, your heart still heavy.
It was a video call from one of your long-time friends, Kiki.
“Chi baby, see your face!” she screamed over the phone immediately she saw you. “Is it school stress? I don’t like what I am seeing o. You look so tired. Let me send you small money to cool down and unwind.” She cut off the call and soon you got a beep.
It was a credit alert from her like she said.
She called back immediately. “Manage my small change. Back to one of the reasons why I called.” She giggled. You knew it was probably a gist that she had, with the way she kept beaming with excitement and impatience to spill.
“I have a gist for you.” You didn’t have to wonder for too long.
“Oya spill.”
“Wait, I want the rest to join.”
And in quick succession, four of your other friends were staring right in your face. Trust Kiki to bring everyone together when she has a gist to share.
In no time, you were cackling up with laughter. You don’t have 5 people with different characters as friends and not have one or two to laugh about as they talk.
But that was beneath what melted the heaviness you bore that evening.
It was the level of concern they had shown when you talked about a difficult test you had written that day amidst the gist. They went from the high-pitched voiced people sharing gist and laughter to ones with worries layered over their faces. You felt loved by their warm words.
They went on and on, giving me tips upon tips on doing better and advice to avoid excessive worry. Prayers of the lecturer canceling it because of you were even raised by one of them which had erupted laughter amidst them.
A message entered as you bantered away with them, it was from your Mom.
“I have been trying to reach your line but you have been on call. I need to sleep early. Just wanted to check up on you and see if you are fine. I hope your test went well today? Take care of yourself.”
You smiled.
“This one our friend is smiling this much. Hope it isn’t what I am thinking?” Kiki queried raising another subject of conversation.
You smiled again because that little message had touched your heart that deeply. It was like you were floating in a jelly of love and your heart was full.
And as you snuggle alone under your blanket that night after you retire to sleep, your thoughts wander over to the words your roommate had said earlier. This time it didn’t come with a heaviness of heart.
You know you might not have the love of your life yet, but you have your barn full of love already, and till your Mr right comes, you will keep basking in the love that lies at home.
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