Echoes of Sacrifice: The Legend of Aderopo

Arikuyeri, a name whispered through generations in our village, tells a tale of sacrifice and unforeseen twists. In the ancient days when sages walked amongst us, Alegongo, our…

Interview with Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, 45th speaker of the IFUMSA SRB

This week, MediVoice reached out to Hon. Orimolade Ayokunle, the 45th Speaker and number one parliamentarian for the current IFUMSA administration. He offered insights into some of his…


Living life to a full age is one of those things we celebrate. Many consider it to be a component and testament of having lived a good and…

An Exclusive Interview With Gloryland Clinical Students’ hall Chairman – BASSEY Oku

The Gloryland hall for clinical students are resident areas for the clinical students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Our correspondent interviewed Bassey Oku, the chairman of the hall…


Deep work implies professional activities performed in a state of total concentration devoid of any form of distraction whatsoever. These efforts improve skills, enhance mastery and create new…

IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Eximus Grandis’s Josh Trager

We are very motivated and we are pushing for a strong finish. We want to leave medical school on a high with the record of being the pioneer winners of the IFUMSA Football League.

IFUMSA Football League: An Interview with Unicus’s Joey

Right now, we are better than we were and we are ready to face any team that comes our way

Unicus Dinosaurs🦖 Outclassed by the Exypnos Dragons.🐲

The friendly match between the Neon green dragons of the Exypnos class and the black Dinosaurs of the Unicus class ended in a 3:1 scoreline in favour of the Exypnos class.

The OAU Interfaculty Football Competition and the IFUMSA Scalpels

Every team in this inter-faculty is tough, competitive, and everyone wants to win. But I am very confident in the team that they can go all the way

The 2020/21 NPFL Roundup and Nigeria’s Tokyo Adventure.

After a 38-round series of home and away matches, Akwa United emerged victorious with 71 points.