After a satisfying Tenacious versus Magna Medicos match, the crowd at the pitch settled to watch another emotionally tortuous match of the IFL Game Week 2— the Excelsior…

A Woman is No Man Book Review
If you are about to read A Woman is no Man by Efaf Rum, wait. The novel would send you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Are you ready…

Dating Coursemates —A Valentine’s Day Special
Hypothetically, let’s say your soulmate is in your class. Suppose you were meant to date your class rep or the guy who always dresses well; what then? Would…

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder Book Review
“She explained that when people write reviews, they are really writing a kind of memoir.” ~ John Green, Anthropocene Reviewed. It might seem uncanny to quote another book,…
Feminism and 2022; How Close Are We To Feministic World?
In an average home, the female child is taught how to be a good wife and helpmate to her husband rather than how to be the better version of themselves, whether it is being a wife or not.
My Sincere Opinion Of Our “Promising” Future
And maybe there might be no 2050 storytelling because there might not be any 2050 altogether.
If You Don’t Want Breakfast, Don’t Cook —Heartbreak
I had always thought heartbreaks pretentious. Why would you cry because another human doesn’t want you any longer? ‘Till I got a taste of it.
“We Don’t Have Free Will”
We do not have the freedom we think we have… Either our wills are determined by prior causes and we are not responsible for them. Or they are the product of chance and we are not responsible for them.