What’s in Love that Makes Us Never Want to Let Go?

I’m held down to the grounds of your heart by the gravity of your utter comeliness

I’m pummeled by blows of your rejections and my soul now caresses contemptible pains, pleading with me to turn away but stopping is an elixir for death: impossible!

For my love for you is the 4th finger clutched tightly by the ring of my luscious illusions. We hold stronger than the typical Magun with you enslaved by chains of my deepest darkest desires.

A love is a goddess with dazzling eyes and a rainbow face. A beauty with seductive demeanor and a mouth with irresistible smiles. This is why I never want to let go.

A love is the sunshine brighter than all shades of hate and hues of contempt. A god with my heart as the temple and me, a devout follower. This is why I never want to let go.

A love is a wealthy master with one slave who’s vowed never to leave until he is grabbed by the fickle grip of death. This is why I never want to let go.

A love is you and you are love. This is why I’ll never let you go.

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