I’m Olabisi Precious of the Magna Medicos class. Med school has unleashed characters that I never knew I had, and that is exciting for me.

Gloryland Week 2023: 7 days of Amazing Experiences
A report of activities that took place between as members of the Gloryland Medical Students Hostel celebrated their annual Gloryland week

An Interview with the Exypnos Medicos Captain, Dr Bush
An exclusive interview with Dr Bush, captain of the winning class of Ifumsa Football League – Exypnos Medicos.

An Interview With Amarachi Godswill-Nwankwo -The Clerk Of The IFUMSA SRB
In the House, we should all adopt the notion that there are no junior or senior Honourables, only Honourables.

“I Used to be Brilliant, Now I Don’t Even Know Anymore” – Self Doubt in Medical School (Pt1)
One of the harsh realities about med school is that you’re surrounded by geniuses that seems to outshine you without even breaking a sweat…

Part 4 Class in Med-School: Expectations And Reality
The part 4 class resumed with enthusiasm after many years of being a cadaver specialist, having to dress corporately, ward coats, stethoscope etc.

An Exclusive Interview With IHAC Chairperson – Oloyede Kehinde
Ifumsa Health Awareness Club (IHAC) is an organ of IFUMSA that promotes awareness on health. I am Oloyede Kehinde, the chairperson of IHAC.

Exclusive Interview with the Editor-in-Chief of MediVoice News and Literary Club- Eshemokhai Okhesomi
Here, we feature Eshemokhai OKhesomi, the current Editor in Chief of MediVoice News and Literary Club. Medivoice: Can we meet you, please? My name is Eshemokhai Okhesomi Rejoice.…

IQDC proceeds to finals of NiMSA’s National Preclinical Quiz: The Story so far
The Nigerian Medical Students’ Association (NIMSA) organized a quiz competition for the preclinical forum of 36 Medical Students’ Association. The 36 Medical Students’ Associations were distributed into 4…

EXIMUS GRANDIS Speciale – Meet some of the latest doctors.
Welcome IFUMSAites and every other distinguished member of planet Earth viewing this post. Here, we would be showing you some members of the Eximus Grandis class, the latest…