

Dreams Unveiled: A Harmony of Hope

In dreams, we soar on wings untamed Through skies of wonder, unashamed With each heartbeat, a new frontier In the realm of dreams, there’s nought to fear Take…

When Man Plays god

Like light out of darkness,So is Amoke’s child, Aduke.Yorubas say, “àti inú ìkòkò dúdú la ti ń m’èko funfun”.For èkó, yes.But how can a yellow child fall off…

Christmas at home

There’s Christmas at Home (a poem)

A poem about this year’s Christmas in Nigeria- There’s Christmas at home. Ashy feet walk dust-covered streets.Chapstick fills cracks in chapped lipsSnowless, foggy cold chills our bones Christmas…

Fellow! To Please Everyone?

To the fellow who wishes to please everyone, And their pleas he buys with no room for bye: Listen! With the brilliant stars the night came, elegant like…

The Sun: A Tale of Yesterday

At twilight, when the sun basks in awe of its red attire, Getting ready to set, and beckoning on us, hey! At night you retire! And it says:…

I'm Stuck in my Dream

A Bad Dream – I’m Stuck in my Dream.

This is a bad dream that I can’t wake up from It has become stuck like my skin is to my body I’ve grown to become a bag…

The Trial of Intelligence

The Trial of Intelligence

How do I explain to people that I was once referred to as the best My mental prowess was never ever put to the test Smoothly I cruised…

The Face of Danger

The face of danger My people do not know How not to laugh in the face of danger Danger of the unsmiling eyes Danger with the sunken smile…

Otra Madre

Sometimes, I wish I could take a hold of Death’s scrawny neck. I’ll kick his skull off and hang his spine on a rack, I’ll break his knees…

Road to Self destruct

Unable to master the everchanging rulesOn the highway of life,I seize my steering wheel.And charge off, wheels grinding asphalt.Swerve on the well-known trackPast the stop signs, the “abandon…